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Nature can cause things of beauty and disaster. Storms are examples of how nature can cause more destruction than humans themselves. In my instagram post during week two, I posted a picture taken by Phil Hatcher Moore. The picture was taken in Mozambique after storms had recently devastated the country. The picture was a fallen tree sitting on a house. Similar things happened in Dallas last month. Across Texas, trees were scattered everywhere across yards, houses, and streets. For a city like Dallas, this is not a big deal because of the economy infrastructure of the United States. Houses will be rebuilt, streets will be cleaned, and in a couple of weeks, the effects of these storms seem to disappear. Yet, most countries and cities are not as fortunate as Dallas Texas. In Mozambique, peoples homes were destroyed and many people won't be able to pay for the repairs. In Mozambique, thousands were left homeless because of landslides caused by the storms. Mozambique is a great example of a country that needs outside support from other countries. Countries like the United States should send supplies and people in order to support the people.
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